Treatment Services

The Q-House has implemented effective behavioral models including evidence-based cognitive behavioral approaches, which target criminogenic risk factors and structured social learning where new skills and behaviors are modeled. Driven by the Measured Achievement Plan and in concert with its cognitive-based approach, ROP offers a variety of skill building groups for youth. The curricula used to deliver these services include: 

• Independent Living Skills 

• Positive Skills Development 

• Cognitive Behavioral Therapy 

• Substance Abuse Curriculum 

Transition Services 

The Q-House focuses on providing youth the skills and opportunities needed to successfully reintegrate into the community. The youth identifies support systems based on their interests and goals. Each youth’s Transition Plan is focused on his greatest needs, thereby reducing the possibility of recidivism. 

While in the program, youth have the opportunity to prepare for the work world by gaining skills and knowledge needed for success in the workplace. By participating in online courses or study programs, youth have opportunities to earn college credit or prepare for the final stages of the GED exam. 

Improving the Lives of Youth

Family Engagement

Family involvement is critical to youth achievement and growth. In order to repair, rebuild, and enhance the ties between a youth and his family, the Q-House provides the following services: 

• Aftercare and transition planning 

• Family involvement through admission, treatment planning, parent communication, and home passes 

Program Activities 

The Colorado Q-House strives to rebuild the relationships youth have with their community by connecting them to resources, and providing community service opportunities. In turn, we want youth to be viewed as a resource to their community and to develop a sense of social responsibility and competency. Youth are therefore matched and linked with applicable and available community resources, and are provided opportunities to volunteer at local and county government and civic group events. Additionally, students at the Q-House have the opportunity for community engagement through participation in: 

• Off-campus work experience 

• Venturing crew 

• Community service activities 

• Off-campus recreational activities